Sunday, December 12, 2010

All Knocked Up!

It’s official – I have two little embryos inside me! The transfer was this morning, and it went well. I can’t remember the exact numbers, but they had about 10 blastocysts, and a few morulas. So I think they’re going to see how everything looks tomorrow, and freeze about 10 embryos. This makes me so happy to know that they are ready for me, whenever I need them.

I was listening to the Circle+Bloom meditation today after the transfer, and it said, “this is your time.” I believe this. I really do. I know that right now tends to be an optimistic time, but I really believe this is it, and I’m going to do whatever I can to maintain this belief. I believe that one or two of these embryos inside me will be my little baby or babies at the end of next summer. I’m doing everything I can to hold on these embryos – the intralipids, the Lovenox I’ll start tonight, the bedrest that I’m now on, and will be on for the next few days. I have to take care of these little ones, and today is the beginning of my life as a mother to these babies…


  1. Woohoo for being PUPO!!! Wishing you all the luck in the world!!!

  2. YAY! Love this news and love the positivity in this post!

  3. YAY for being PUPO! I have a great feeling that this is it for you too. Will you test early? When is beta?

  4. Congratulations! I am rooting for this to be your time!

  5. Congrats! I am crossing everything for you that THIS IS YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!

  6. So excited for you Alex! It is just fantastic that you have two embryos inside of you right now and potentially 10 to freeze! This will work!! I know it!

  7. Holy egg quality batman! 10 blasts to freeze?! That is phenomenal. So excited for you!

  8. So happy for you! Keep remaining positive!

  9. Great news! Such a happy day. Keep up the positivity. I'm excited for you.

  10. I have never heard of such fabulous results! Woo-hoo, you are on your way!

  11. wishing you the very best of luck :)

  12. I am so happy for you! This cycle seems to have just worked out for you left and right so I have a great feeling about it being successful also! Rest up!

  13. Grow little ones!!! Congrats!

  14. my fingers are crossed for you! I am sending positive thoughts your way.

  15. a very good luck. will be reading in anticipation

  16. Happy transfer day, Alex! Congrats! You're PUPO! ;)

  17. Wonderful news!! I will be waiting with baited breath for the outcome of this... and the great thing is I'M NOT EVEN WORRIED. 10 frozen blastocysts? You're rich!!! :)

  18. Awesome! Sending good thoughts your way!

  19. Everything went so well! Yay! Hoping like crazy for you :) cmon little ones!

  20. What great news:) And I love your attitude!!! In my eyes this cycle is a win win...You know you have two inside and if it doesnt work this time you have 10 more to fall back on which is amazing....And you also know that the Stim Awesome:) Now take it easy and follow those tips I gave you for OHSS:)

  21. Praying that this is IT for you girl! Come on embabies! Snuggle in for the long haul!

  22. Oh Alex, it's great to see you so optimistic! Hoping very much for 1-2 babies next summer!!

  23. Congratulations! Hope to hear many positive stories about these little embabies for years to come :)

  24. yaay for being pupo!!! i'm so excited for you and what a relief that there were so many blasts. that should really put your mind at ease that you got some good ones in your bellay :o) rest up, relax, and enjoy this!!! xoxo.

  25. I love your attitude- this is awesome! Sending prayers and hugs. xoxo.

  26. yeah! Congrats, preggo. Fingers and toes crossed for a BFP!

  27. Alex, this is wonderful. And lots to freeze!!! You're PUPO and I'm crossing everything for you. Good luck with the Lovenox - I've found that icing helps a lot.

  28. Good luck! I don't think you'll need it though... things are looking very good for you.

  29. YEAH!!!!!!! Merry early Christmas lovely lady! knocked up looks good on you.

  30. Hooray for being PUPO!! Congrats on all the freezer embabies too....

  31. PUPO! Everything has been great so far, my fingers are crossed that all the good results lead to a BFP. Thinking of you.

  32. So happy the transfer went well! I hope you can get plenty of rest and those babies stay snuggled in!

  33. Woohoo for the positive attitude! I think Santa's got a positive pregnancy test in store for you for Christmas this year :).

  34. So glad you are feeling positive!!!! Keep it up, and we'll keep cheering for you and your little ones!

  35. PUPOPUPOPUPO!!! So exciting! Sending stickysticky thoughts and energy your way.
