Friday, May 7, 2010

Let the Madness Begin!

I did something awful today. I googled… I’m now 7 dpiui, WAY too early for symptoms. I know this, but still… I started getting crampy today. Just feels like something’s going on in my lower abdomen, and it sometimes hurts, sometimes sharp, sometimes dull. But whatever… Could still be my enlarged ovaries, or something, I told myself. But then I got chapped lips! I’m super careful about always keeping my lips moisturized – always have chapstick or something. And I never have problems because I’m so diligent. But starting yesterday, no matter how much chapstick I use, they hurt – bad! They’re kind of scaly, and rough, and super painful! Before I could stop myself, I googled “chapped lips pregnancy symptom” thinking I wouldn’t get anything, and be able to move on. But what do you know – it’s a symptom, especially in very early pregnancy! Stupid stories about chapped lips being the first sign for some women!!! Stupid, stupid, stupid (beating head against wall…)! Why do I do this to myself????


  1. Sweetie... we all do it! It's normal and as much as we know it's not doing us any favours we cannot help it. I hope and pray this is it for you sweetie..Keep those signs and symptoms coming..we have all been there! :) 1 more week!!!

  2. Uh, have you read my blog? I started my insanity at 6dpiui during my very first IUI. I was obsessed...I've calmed down some with this IUI, but I think us ladies who are in the 2ww need to preoccupy our minds and a great way is to reach out to the web. Try to keep in mind that we are always looking for signs that point to a pregnancy because that is what we ultimately want...I think anything can be a symptom on any given day...not trying to be a downer and downplay what you are thinking, just know that 7dpiui is early. I did it too and sometimes when we set too high of expectations for ourselves and those expectations aren't met we feel like failures...Hang in there - Easier said than done. TRUST ME I am dying over this way as I have 2 days left to go before my first beta to determine if this IUI worked or not. At 7 dpiui, you might be starting the implantation process. Just believe that you are pregnant and that the insem worked. You just never know. I will be here with you and waiting too!

  3. Ah dr google. Its impossible to stay away... Hope the symptoms become real quickky!!!

  4. You are going to drive yourself crazy, sister. Steer clear of Dr. Internet. I do hope all those symptoms are signs for that bunch of cells digging in and making a nice home for the next nine months! Hang in there.

  5. I hate Dr. Google :( I have looked up so many symptoms and been SO sure that I was pregnant. You will be okay :) Just breathe and go look at silly movies on youtube, start an art project, or just go outside and breathe! I am crossing my fingers for you, that your symptoms are pregnancy!

  6. Ooh, sounds promising! I have a good feeling...but I hope I'm not negatively contributing to your madness by saying that :).

  7. The only good thing about Dr.Google is that if you google long and hard enough you'll come to the conclusion that almost everything could be a 'symptom' and therefore, you can trust nothing. Now, don't let me fool you into thinking that I don't still google every symptom on every day past transfer/IUI, but that's what I try to tell myself in more rational moments! LOL

    I'm behind you at 2dpiui, but already imagining 'twinges' in my left ovary - probably gas! :-)
